Our friends at ThunderGryph games have successfully launched another Kickstarter project, Tang Garden. It has the unusually nonviolent theme of building a garden.
I have not studied up on the game because (longtime readers will remember) I backed their first game at the “send me a copy of everything you ever make” level. So I have an obvious ulterior motive in wanting to see them to well. And they are, in fact, doing well, looking like they could reach 1000% funded in their first day. Stretch goals are falling about as fast as they can post them.
One thing I like about their Kickstarter projects is that they make it easy to see if you would like the game. Rules are posted in PDF form, as is the norm. But then they also have electronic versions on Tabletopia and Tabletop Simulator. Nothing helps decide whether you would like a game like playing the game.
They have had the usual project management and shipping schedule problems that most Kickstarter games have had. They are getting better with practice, I think, or at least getting more realistic estimates.
: Zubon