Do you know him? He is a legal legend, a bored and/or unstable prisoner who has launched cases against almost every noun known to exist and not a few adjectives. Previous complaints have run to 57+ pages of defendents, including George W. Bush, Pope Benedict XVI,, Nuclear Power Plant, Tony Danza, Magna Carta, “tsunami victims,” “Jewish workers at NBC/Universal,” Plato, “various Buddhist monks,” Denny’s, “Vern Minni Me,” Michael J. Fox, PETA, Liberty Bell… Virtually Blind reports that he has filed a amicus curaie brief in a case against Blizzard. Sadly, the brief is a single page and relatively coherent in comparison with his previous work.
Some suggest that we ignore trolls, in meatspace or online. This one is sufficiently entertaining to be worth noting.
: Zubon
Yes, he really claims a “©” in his name.
His brief reminds me of a rap by old school rapper Chocolate Voice.
It’s a great who’s who list, but what exactly is the case?
He has so many more cases. This guy is the best.
Rich, (Jonathan Lee Riches)
Your work is great, But your 50 mile a day runs were better. I enjoyed the runs we had in the prison, even though i couldn’t keep up with you after the first 11 miles but it was great. Hope to see you some day again; your old friend &
cellie Pete telesco, Providence,RI