Ethical Holiday

Heya, this is Ethic just letting everyone know that a few things have dragged me away from the gaming world lately and guess what? I’m not finding myself wishing I was playing an MMO very much anymore. There is nothing to draw me back right now. You could say that real life has grown more interesting lately. Anyway, this site will continue as there are several other wonderful writers here – you just won’t hear from me that often for a while.

I’ve grown disenchanted by the state of MMOs right now and have cancelled all my active accounts. As always, you can still reach me via email – and feel free to do so. I’m just going to sit back and read some of the other guys here and spend more time with my family right now. See you all around!

– Ethic

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I own this little MMO gaming blog but I hardly ever write on it any more. I'm more of a bloglord or something. Thankfully I have several minions to keep things rolling along.

9 thoughts on “Ethical Holiday”

  1. My EVE subscription ends next month and I won’t be re-upping, so I know how you feel. I haven’t logged in the last month, either. It’s me and my DS Lite right now.

    Enjoy the time off! Hopefully you’ll still hear from ya.

  2. Returning from out-of-town, I have no active subscriptions either. But will that shut me up? Not being able to find that thumbdrive with a post or two could…

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