[IGN Live] It was no E3, but overall I have to say IGN Live was a fun way to spend a day. I got a couple of nice freebies and saw a couple of cute booth girls. What is with all the all girl gamer groups (Frag Dolls, etc.)?
I got to try out or preview a lot of new games. The XBox 360 is amazing. Blitz The League looks good. 50 Cent Bulletproof looks to be an unintentional laugh riot. I could go on and on, but this is a MMO blog and there really just wasn’t a lot of that there. Sure it was a mostly console event, but there was still surprisingly few games with massive multiplayer support, which I would have expected from the next generation titles. Granted, it was a smaller event and some of the bigger names in gaming weren’t in attendance, but I did expect a little something. The closest to a MMO there was the new version of America’s Army. I was afraid to spend too much time at that booth since it also served as an Army recruiting center and believe me, I’m pretty easy to talk into just about anything. Beyond that there wasn’t much in the ways of PC games. Several smaller companies had various PC programs and peripherals on display, but other than the America’s Army game the only other PC games present were a non-playable version of the RTS Lord of the Rings game and F.E.A.R.
Overall it was a fun and cheap event. Hopefully they’ll have it next year and it’ll grow. They asked me to take a survey and it seems they are trying to find out what worked and what didn’t so it can be better next year. It was small this year, but my friend and I still managed to spend about 6 hours there. I tried to take some pictures of the event, but it was very dark and none really came out. So you’ll just have to enjoy this picture. THQ invited wrestlers from a local promotion to wrestle in their ring. This is a picture of what was going on in the THQ wrestling ring between matches. Enjoy :)
Looks like you had fun!